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Promising Excellence in Everything We Do!

Welcome to PHOENIX HAIR STUDIO & AMORA'S STUDIO BOUTIQUE. We are pleased to be at your service. Our hair and boutique studio is a family-owned business and was founded by Jamie Perez and established in 2015. Conveniently located in the Holly Village area of Holly, MI with shops, restaurants all within a walking distant away. We are a full-service hair salon. Phoenix Hair Studio gives you a variety of services for men, women and children of all ages. We offer an exclusive collection of UNITE & Keune organic hair care products for you to try before you buy! We would love to hear from you, so call now to book your appointments with our stylists. Call-ins are very much welcomed!! Our amazing boutique offers a variety of clothing and accessories to fit everyone's style.  We are your one stop shop to all things beautiful!

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